Wood Fired Cooking

DeliVita Wood-Fired Cooking

26th July

Weber Essentials 2 - Abinger Cookery School

Weber Grill Academy: Weber Essentials II

27th July

Pickling and Fermenting

Pickling & Fermenting

27th July

Asian Street Food: Evening

30th July

Weber Grill Academy – Master Charcoal Grilling - Abinger Cookery School

Weber Grill Academy: Master Charcoal Grilling

31st July

Master gas grilling

Weber Grill Academy: Master Gas Grilling

1st August

Weber Grill Academy – American BBQ - Abinger Cookery School

Weber Grill Academy: American BBQ

2nd August

Thai Cookery Course - Abinger Cookery School

Thai Cookery Course

2nd August

Bread Making - The Basics - Abinger Cookery School

Simply Bread

3rd August

Weber Smoke House - Abinger Cookery School

Weber Grill Academy: Smoke House

3rd August

D of E - Abinger Cookery School

Residential DOFE Cookery Course

5th-9th August

Mexican Street Food Cooking Course

Mexican Street Food: Evening

6th August

Taste of Italy

A Taste of Italy

10th August

Children's cookery course

Childrens Cookery Class

13th August

Children's cookery course

Childrens Cookery Class

14th August

Weber Essentials 2 - Abinger Cookery School

Weber Grill Academy: Weber Essentials II

15th August

Introduction to Sourdough

Introduction to Sourdough

16th August

Weber Smoke House - Abinger Cookery School

Weber Grill Academy: Smoke House

16th August

Fish & seafood cooking course

Fish and Seafood

17th August

Indian Cookery with Hari Ghotra - Abinger Cookery School

Indian Cookery with Hari Ghotra

17th August

D of E - Abinger Cookery School

Residential DOFE Cookery Course

19th-23rd August

Plant based

Plant-Based Cookery Course

21st August

Sushi making - Abinger Cookery School

Sushi Making

22nd August

Master gas grilling

Weber Grill Academy: Master Gas Grilling

23rd August

Macaron - Abinger Cookery School

Macaron Making

24th August

Weber Grill Academy – Barbecue Classics - Abinger Cookery School

Weber Grill Academy: Barbecue Classics

24th August

Steak and sauces course

Steak & Sauces Evening Course

27th August

Children's cookery course

Childrens Cookery Class

28th August

Children's cookery course

Childrens Cookery Class

29th August

Weber Grill Academy – Weber Essentials - Abinger Cookery School

Weber Grill Academy: Weber Essentials I

29th August

Weber Grill Academy – American BBQ - Abinger Cookery School

Weber Grill Academy: American BBQ

30th August

Pickling and Fermenting

Pickling & Fermenting

30th August

Italian Masterclass - Abinger Cookery School

Italian Masterclass

31st August

Weber Essentials 2 - Abinger Cookery School

Weber Grill Academy: Weber Essentials II

31st August

Mexican Street Food Cooking Course

Mexican Street Food: Evening

3rd September

Wood Fired Cooking

DeliVita Wood-Fired Cooking

4th September

Cooking with Confidence

Cooking with Confidence

4th September

Korean Street Food

5th September

Weber Grill Academy – Weber Essentials - Abinger Cookery School

Weber Grill Academy: Weber Essentials I

5th September

Master gas grilling

Weber Grill Academy: Master Gas Grilling

6th September

Fish & seafood cooking course

Fish and Seafood

6th September

Weber Smoke House - Abinger Cookery School

Weber Grill Academy: Smoke House

7th September

The Perfect Roast

The Perfect Roast

7th September

Bread Making - The Basics - Abinger Cookery School

Simply Bread

11th September

Chef’s Masterclass – Take your cooking to the next level

11th September

Weber Grill Academy – Barbecue Classics - Abinger Cookery School

Weber Grill Academy: Barbecue Classics

13th September

Weber Grill Academy – Master Charcoal Grilling - Abinger Cookery School

Weber Grill Academy: Master Charcoal Grilling

12th September

Knife Skills - Abinger Cookery School

Basic Knife Skills

13th September

Chef Skills Butchery Course - Abinger Cookery School

Butchery Course: The Basics

14th September

Weber Essentials 2 - Abinger Cookery School

Weber Grill Academy: Weber Essentials II

14th September

Chalet Cooks Course - Abinger Cookery School

Life Skills/Chalet Cooks Course: 5 days

16th – 20th September

Taste of Italy

A Taste of Italy

14th September

Dim Sum Cookery Course Evening - Abinger Cookery School

Dim Sum: Evening

17th September

Plant based

Plant-Based Cookery Course

18th September

Weber Smoke House - Abinger Cookery School

Weber Grill Academy: Smoke House

19th September

Weber Grill Academy – American BBQ - Abinger Cookery School

Weber Grill Academy: American BBQ

20th September

Weber Grill Academy – Weber Essentials - Abinger Cookery School

Weber Grill Academy: Weber Essentials I

21th September

Indian Cookery with Hari Ghotra - Abinger Cookery School

Indian Cookery with Hari Ghotra

21st September

Asian Street Food: Evening

24th September

Pasta and sauces cookery course

Pasta and Sauces

25th September

Macaron - Abinger Cookery School

Macaron Making

26th September

Weber Grill Academy – Barbecue Classics - Abinger Cookery School

Weber Grill Academy: Barbecue Classics

26th September

Weber Grill Academy – Master Charcoal Grilling - Abinger Cookery School

Weber Grill Academy: Master Charcoal Grilling

27th September

Sushi making - Abinger Cookery School

Sushi Making

27th September

The Principles of Baking

The Principles of Baking

28th September

Japanese Ramen and Gyoza

Japanese Ramen and Gyoza

28th September